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Janazah – Funeral Prayer

Janazah Namaz is a funeral prayer spoken in Islam for the person who died. This is standard practice for asking Allah to forgive one’s ancestors. Every

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The best way to ask Allah for guidance on good and evil is through Istikhara. Istikhara is Sanskrit for “to seek the best in your

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Islamic History

Issa in Quran

The case of Prophet Issa in the Quran is quite favorable. His arrival and the call to the Christian religion caused a sea change in

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hazrat fatima

Hazrat Fatima Bint Muhammad (SAW)

Learn about Hazrat Fatima Bint-e-Muhammad’s (SAW) biography and significant events in her life here. First of all, Hazrat Fatima (RA) is the daughter of Hazrat

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imam mehdi
Islamic History

Imam Mehdi

Muslims are steadfast in their faith in the Final Judgment. On the Day of Judgment, everything of creation will be returned to face its final

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yajooj majooj

Yajooj Majooj in the Holy Quran

Many horrifying and brutal events that took place in the past have been told. Many countries were authoritarian and irrational when Allah Almighty sent someone

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Hijab and its importance

The Importance of Wearing the Hijab for Women. Muslim women are not fully dressed until they have covered their heads with a hijab. The Arabic

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