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Durood and Salam on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Every act of worship has the potential for acceptance and the risk of rejection. Nonetheless, sending dua (remembrance) on the Holy Prophet (AS) is always acceptable. It signifies that we are praying for our prophet when we say “Durood and Salam on prophet Muhammad (SAW).” We know that Allah, the Highest, has pardoned all prophets.

Yet our standing and the number of good actions we do will improve if we send durood and salaam to one another. It might be seen as a wellspring of forgiveness. This devotion offered by sinners will be accepted by Allah (God willing), notwithstanding the nominal price. The prayer of Durood and Salam is considered of the highest rank and performed in the presence of Allah Almighty. This instruction may be found in the Holy Qur’an, and it was delivered by Allah, the Almighty, in a kind and efficient way.

The Allah Almighty says: “Indeed, Allah and His angels send Durood on the Prophet. O you who believe! Send Durood and Salaam upon him”. [Al-Ahzab: 56]

The significance of Durood and Salam

The Holy Qur’an contains several directives from Allah, the Highest, and praise and acclaim for several prophets. He instructed the angels to bow down before Adam (peace be upon him), whom he had already created. But he did not acknowledge in any way that this is something that both you and I do. This verse is unmistakably a Naat spoken by the Beloved Sayyid Al-Mursalin. It is said that Allah the Almighty bestows compassion on His Beloved, and the angels also beg for your mercy to be bestowed upon you. O Muslims! You are also praying for sympathy and peace, which is sending salam and dua upon him.

Consequences of Neglecting to Recite Durood Sharif

The hadiths discuss the benefits of reciting the Durood. Furthermore emphasized are the assurances that Durood-e-Pak would not be recited. Two examples are as follows:

(1) It narrated on the authority of Hazrat Jabir that the Messenger of Allah said: “The person before whom I mentioned. And he did not recite Durood on me. He is unlucky (May Allah destroy that person)”.

(2) Hazrat Abu Hurayrah has narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said: “Those who sit in a meeting and do not mention Allah in it and do not recite Durood on His Prophet. Then (on the Day of Resurrection) their meeting will be a cause of regret for them. If Allah wishes, He will punish them and if He wills, He will forgive them”.
[Sunan Al-Tirmidhi

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