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One of the highest and most loving expressions of devotion to Allah is to give up one’s will and follow his instructions. An example of such a place of spiritual refuge is Itikaf. In Islam, Itikaaf is a form of worship that is highly recommended but not required.

What is Itikaf?

Itikaf is the Arabic word for obsessively clinging to one idea at the expense of others, whether that idea is good or bad. Itikaf, however, refers more specifically to the practice of secluding oneself. And praying continuously in a mosque in order to become closer to Allah. Itikaaf is, at the least, a communal ritual of prayer, reflection, Quran recitation, and withdrawal from daily life.

Only if you have sworn to do Itikaaf is it deemed obligatory. Itikaaf is Sunnah, but only if you choose to perform it. This leads us to identify Itikaf categories.

Which Types of Itikaf Operate?

Itikaf may either be nafl (voluntary sunnah), sunnah mu’akkadah (proven sunnah), or wajib (mandatory sunnah) (compulsory).

  • Nafl Itikaaf. Sunnah, or voluntary fasting, is permissible at any time of year and for any amount of time (optional sunnah).
  • Sunnah mu’akkadah (confirmed sunnah): Throughout the holy month of Ramadan, this is the Itikaf. During the final 10 days of Ramadan, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would spend time in i’tikaf. However, there is no proof that this is a requirement, so he kept doing it. Itikaaf is a recommended practice (sunnah mu’akkadah) in this context (confirmed sunnah).
  • Wajib (compulsory): If you have promised to execute i’tikaf, you must keep your word. For instance, “If this happens, I will perform Itikaf for 10 days,” is an example of a niyyah-based Itikaaf.

How do I’tikaaf?

Following the i’tikaf guidelines outlined in this section should allow you to successfully do it. Doing Itikaf according to a set of guidelines is the best way to obtain the mental and spiritual tranquillity and peace that comes from cleansing and purifying one’s inner self.


  • To be a Muslim in good mental health is the first and foremost requirement of the Itikaf.
  • Those who want to do Itikaf must first establish the desire to do so. If you want to spend time on Ibadah, you should be sure that deep down, you’re doing it for Allah’s sake.
  • You must keep yourself clean and tidy in order to satisfy the Taharah requirement.
  • In order to observe I’tikaf, you must be in a condition of wudu at all times.
  • The Varieties of Worship One Can Perform Everything that is allowed in Ibadah (worship) is allowed in Itikaf.
  • Engaging in religious rituals.
  • Recitation of the Holy Quran.
  • Participating in Taubah (repentance).
  • Utilizing dhikr in prayer.
  • Performing the Sunnah prayers and Nafl Ibadah.

So, Why Is It Useful?

Itikaf is highly recommended throughout the year, not just during Ramadan, but understanding why is essential.

  • It was given to us so that we might have a peaceful place to meditate during Ramadan or any other time of the year.
  • With Itikaf, you may accumulate rewards from several organizations.
  • Many people see this as a fantastic opportunity to establish a genuine connection with Allah.
  • In order to cleanse one’s mind, body, and spirit, Itikaaf provides a regimen of self-care practices to be carried out by each individual.
  • More time to study and learn the Quran.
  • Itikaf may fortify one’s resistance against shaitan’s tricks and temptations.

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