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Justice and Fairness

  1. Divine Justice: The Quran portrays God as the epitome of justice. It emphasizes that God’s judgment is fair and absolute, devoid of any bias or injustice (Quran 4:40). God is described as Just and Fair, and His laws and decrees are rooted in justice.
  2. Equality Before the Law: The Quran advocates for equality before the law and condemns discrimination based on race, social status, or any other factor. It emphasizes that all individuals are equal in the eyes of God (Quran 49:13) and that justice should be served without any prejudice.
  3. Fair Treatment: The Quran encourages fair treatment and kindness not only towards fellow believers but also towards all individuals, including strangers or those of different beliefs. It emphasizes the importance of fair dealings in all aspects of life (Quran 16:90).
  4. Opposing Oppression: The Quran strongly condemns oppression and injustice in all forms. It urges believers to stand against oppression and to be just even if it goes against one’s own interests or biases (Quran 4:135).
  5. Judicial System and Witnesses: The Quran sets guidelines for a fair judicial system, advocating the use of witnesses, evidence, and just arbitration in legal matters (Quran 2:282). It emphasizes the importance of truthfulness and integrity in giving testimony (Quran 4:135).
  6. Restorative Justice: The Quran promotes the concept of forgiveness and reconciliation but also emphasizes the importance of fair retribution or compensation for wrongs committed (Quran 5:45).
  7. Charity and Social Justice: The Quran stresses the importance of charity and social justice as means to alleviate inequality and ensure fairness in society. It encourages sharing wealth with those in need and establishing social systems that cater to the marginalized (Quran 2:177).


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