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Figs are praised for their highly nutritional value in the Quran


Dates, olives, pomegranates, grapes, bananas, and figs are only a few of the six fruits listed in the Quran.

Quranic reference to Figs

The fig is a holy fruit as it is mentioned in the Quran, and Allah SWT swears by it at the beginning of Surah Teen.

وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ – التين

[I swear] by the fig and the olive.

(Quran, 95:1)

The first verse of Surat at-Tin has a reference to the fig, and this verse is one of the most perceptive in terms of the blessings that this fruit gave. The Hadith provides us with an occurrence that is connected to the fig: According to Abu Darda, someone sent figs to the prophet Mohammed (Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him), and the prophet started giving them to the people who followed him after receiving them. He advised: “Eat it because it is effective in treating a variety of diseases.”

History of Fig

There are references to figs in the Quran and other Islamic books, which indicates that their history dates back to the very beginning of time. It is believed that Egypt was the place where they were initially grown. Among the presume that ancient Crete was the second place on earth where figs were farmed after the Middle East. In the ninth century B.C., figs were introduced into the diets of people living in Greece, and they eventually became a staple meal for those people.

Benefits of Fig

  • Figs are an excellent source of dietary fiber, in addition to being a rich source of magnesium and potassium.
  • Each individual fig has just approximately 50 calories. Despite the fact that they contain a reasonably high concentration of vitamins A, B, and C.
  • The use of figs is recommended by Imam Jafar Assadiq as a means of eliminating unpleasant air.
  • One raw big fig has 77.5 percent water, 8 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 23 milligrams of calcium, 4 milligrams of iron, 50 international units of vitamin A, 2.1 grams of dietary fiber, 3.8 milligrams of folate, 3 milligrams of niacin, and 1 milligram of vitamin C.
  • Figs may help lower the risk of developing some types of cancer.
  • If you pick figs more often, you will automatically choose potentially unhealthy foods less often, which is fantastic for your long-term health.
  • Antioxidants are considered to protect against a variety of diseases, as stated by the California Fig Advisory Board. This belief is supported by the claim that fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants.
  • Those who are trying to reduce their body fat should eat figs. It includes the enzymes necessary for the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The three macronutrients that make up a diet.
  • Figs are also known as a fruit that provides long-term patients with strength and energy. They need to continue their journey toward recovery.
  • So, in the treatment of asthma, coughs, chills, and even diabetes, figs are often recommended as an effective remedy. When it comes to cough and bronchial asthma. A syrup that has been made from methi seeds, figs, and honey has proven to be very effective.
  • The fig’s high phosphorous content is beneficial to the function of the nervous system.
  • Athletes and younger children are especially encouraged to consume it.

Protect yourself from disease and infection.

Figs that are always fresh have high concentrations of a variety of antioxidant vitamins, including vitamins A, E, and K. All of these phytochemical substances in the fig fruit work together to remove potentially dangerous oxygen-derived free radicals from the body, which in turn helps to protect us against a wide range of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and degenerative disorders, as well as other infections.

Patients that suffer from diabetes

According to a number of research studies, the chlorogenic acid that is present in them may help in lowering blood sugar levels and in controlling blood glucose levels in those who have diabetes type II.

Good for the heart

Potassium, which is found in figs, is an important part of cells and body fluids. That helps keep the heart rate and blood pressure under control.


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